

Nia is AMS's Girls' Empowerment Program for young women in grades 9-12. 

Nia is comprised of future female leaders who come together to connect with one another and form a sisterhood through shared experiences and mutual support, both academically and socially.

Over the summer, the young women immerse themselves in activities that help them solve conflicts, build a positive sense of self, as well as push them to think critically about the world around them. During the school year, Nia adults and young women engage in weekly workshops about issues that they confront in our society and how they can empower themselves, as well as coordinate activities and events to build and support our school community.



The guiding principle of our young men's program Umoja (Swahili for "unity") is that we are stronger as one. Our young men are pushing each other forward on the path to becoming leaders at AMS and in their community. 

The Umoja community spends a week in August at Black Rock Forest building our bonds as a family, and when we return to school, we come together every Tuesday to reflect on our growth and the challenges we face ahead. 

"Umoja is good for the school because it can help kids that don't have the mentoring. It can put them on a good path. Umoja to me means love and comfort." - Umoja brother

"Umoja gave me an opportunity to have experiences like traveling to DC and Boston. It also gave me a new mindset. I look at things now from a different angle. I feel like I can analyze situations in my life better than before." - Umoja brother

Umoja Today, Umoja Tomorrow, Umoja Forever
